October 22, 2024

Models v/s Mannequins: Which should you use for your store?

Model and Mannequins are two ways of promoting products on the website’s product videos or in the showroom/store. While a model can add glamour even to the ordinary and lackluster piece of clothing, advertising through mannequins, come with the specific degree of cost-effectiveness. A model can highly impress the buyers by showcasing and encouraging approaches of prospective ones. At that same time, advertising through models can be a costly affair, and a small business owner would certainly not be able to hire professional models. This dilemma brings in the issue of choosing between mannequins or other displays such as fancy hangers etc. and professional, amateur or part-time models for an ecommerce photoshoot or a physical store.

Divide and check out

The best way to check out the cost-effectiveness of hiring model or advertising through mannequins or hanger is to divide a few pieces of clothing to be advertised through physical modeling and for the rest, you can manage with the mannequins or hanger. This will save the money that would be spent on hiring the model, photoshoot and posting it on various media.
If you are trying to experiment on cost-effective details, try advertising the same products through models and mannequins. You may cross check Which gets more sales and views. Usually, it is the model which attracts more views and clicks, but it is the sales that matter at the store. The mannequins placed in the store affects the buyers’ decision eventually.

Story of product


Be it an e-commerce store or a retail sales counter, tailored clothing business or ready-made garment showroom that aims at showcasing the creativity or the mindset of the buyers, the display of the product is actually what matters reflecting the story conveyed through it.
If you are aiming towards the professional, polished images and models are must have. If you are dealing with stuff for casual buyers, then draping clothes over mannequins and mannequin shoot with the beautiful background could also suffice and showcase your creativity even at big multiple story showroom.

Choosing the right mode of presentation


While displaying, the section of buyers that has to be inspired for clothing needs to be focused as a model has to showcase how the particular piece of clothes would look on a real human body. This could sometimes backfire because, in the long run, the buyer starts perceiving unreasonable expectations with the look of the tire, which in turn kills long-term sales. Line of clothing is meant for a senior woman, and you use young models it would be miss representing your brand and ultimately result in lower sales.

The lowdown for choosing the right modeling strategy

  • An amateur model with unprofessional outlook and lightning and background settings can result in decreased in sales rather than promoting the product at your store.
  • Make sure that the model is apt and works well for your clothing. The apparels they are wearing should be of the perfect fit, if not so try using pins.
  • Don’t be satisfied with a limited number of poses. Get them in numerous courses and then choose the best from among them. Photographs with subtle movements can be highly effective. A ballooning skirt would look more appealing than the one lying straight against the body.
  • Always select professional makeup and hair artist for your model. On professional and outdated makeup and hairstyle would result in deteriorating your sales figure.

Mannequins for the showcasing

With the apparel business turning more reachable with the e-commerce strategy, Mannequins are a better choice to showcase a piece of clothing. The close-up shots of the gorgeous fabric and the details of the pattern and textures can be done without retakes. Matching accessories can also be accompanied along with the clothing to encourage customers to get creative and boost sales.
Few important factors to be kept in mind while advertising through right mannequins are as follows:-

  • Choose the right kind of skin tone of the mannequins to advertise your clothes.  for example, the white dress would not look appealing on bright white mannequins always try and choose the mannequin’s colours that complement the clothing colour scheme. The shoot should be done in a proper interior setting and with accessories to accentuate the clothesline look.
  • Using many headless points could be more effective as the features like face and hairstyle would be distracting sometimes. Their creepiness can negatively affect sales.
  • Choose the best shot of the front of the piece on the mannequins as the clothesline is best showcased in this posture on them. Dead-on and centered shot click would come handy to promote clothesline via mannequins.
    While promoting the e-commerce conversions keywords, evocative item description are equally effective as a beautiful model.
  • If renowned model shoot cannot be afforded, the best way to describe and reach out to the prospective buyers with your product description is giving them the idea of how the clothesline will improve their lifestyle and fashion sense. Make use of alternative ways like product shoot with mannequins.

The bottom line

Deciding upon which is better models or mannequins is very subjective and depends and scale of business. A professional model is undoubtedly a good choice if you can afford for selling your product because their presence will surely build the brand value, but if product shoot with a model is not able to bring in sales, a good model is worth nothing but a budget eater largely.
Always try and experiment with the cost-effectiveness and the sales analysis for a better outcome. Make a sound decision based upon that rather than relying upon gut feelings or the promises of commercial marketing firms.

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